All Your Pet Food And Supplies - Delivered For Free!

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To be honest, I've never really been much of an animal lover, which is why I am rather bewildered as to how I have ended up with FOUR dogs. True, I personally begged and pleaded with Stephen to let me rescue a Labrador from the SPCA but in retrospect I can only conclude that it must have been one of my other personalities (at last count, there were six of us. No there weren't. I thought there were five. Oh be quiet.) You can therefore imagine how much dog food I am forced to buy during my weekly grocery shop and how much I loathe and despise heaving around those heavy bags. Well, heave no more - because I have just tried out the most FABULOUS brand new online pet store with everything under the SUN for cats and dogs. And they deliver. For free!

Imagine your local grocery store and pet store got married - well, Pet Lovers would be their baby! With everything from dog food, cat food, biscuits, vitamins and flea treatments to beds, blankets, toys and accessories, this website has EVERYTHING. I love how easy it is to find what you are looking for - you can search by category, by colour (for example, if you want everything pink!), by brand, or by solution (eg if your dog gets anxious or your cat is overweight).

To be honest, I wan't sure what brand of dog food to buy seeing as though I normally buy pet food from my local Pick n Pay and I didn't recognise any of the brands. But one quick phone call to Pet Lovers and I had all the answers! They recommended I start with Montego as it is the closest in quality and price to the one I normally buy. I ordered a massive 21kg bag (that should last me a while) and figured out that it works out cheaper than what I normally buy! I also added some dog treats and anti-anxiety meds for my Gold Retriever who is scared of thunder (sighs).

Delivery was within 2 working days - and it was free! There are also loads of special offers each month, so do keep an eye on their website for details of discounts or free gifts with purchase. You can also so that you are always the first to know about their latest deals!

by Shelli NT
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by Shelli

Your comments...

25 September 2013 at 09:18 am
Lyneane Lewis If you haven't loved an animal a part of your soul is missing

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