Hot Damn! It's Burn The Floor Again

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Loveday Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg.

Darlings, if you’re a fan of ‘Burn The Floor – Fire in the Ballroom’, you’re in for a treat as a new production of the show has just begun on the Mandela Stage at Joburg Theatre. Heartbeats were raised to the max on opening night as the exceptional Burn The Floor artists sizzled on stage and brought the appreciative audience to its feet in a wave of applause.

Although the staging of the whole show is mesmerising, with magnificent sets, lighting and costumes bringing it all together, the focus is ballroom dancing … on steroids! The dancers are all ballroom champions in their own right, hailing from Italy, Ireland, The UK, Spain, Australia and South Africa of course. Kylee Brown from Pretoria delivers brilliant technique and sensuality in spades and Strictly Come Dancing runner-up, Johannes Radebe, raised roars from the audience with each solo. With his smouldering good looks and phenomenal footwork, he certainly made the temperature rise!

Choreographers Jason Gilkison and Peta Roby are blessed with every choreographer's dream – stunning dancers with incredible discipline, commitment to excellence and tangible passion – all of which transform the substantial work into magic with what looks like sheer effortlessness. 

The costume changes are remarkably swift (how do they do it?) and the pace is like a runaway train … the energy is unbeatable. There are some exquisite moments where the tempo subsides – a highlight being a beautiful pas de deux (a duet in which two dancers, typically a male and a female, dance ballet together) to Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven. 

Other music featured includes Santana, Janis Joplin and Christina Aguilera. Vocalists Jessica Lingotti and Mikee Introna are an integral part of the show, with superb renditions of tracks like Halo and Ain't No Other Man amongst many others. Australian drummer Pat Madden provides some scintillating live percussion on stage, all of which adds to the adrenaline rush! 

Darlings, this truly is entertainment at its best … miss it and you miss out! 

Burn The Floor – “Fire in the Ballroom” will run on The Mandela stage at Joburg Theatre from 16 September until 03 October. For more information on ticket prices and show times, click here

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Image credits: Mariola Biela 

by Paola

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