There are two kinds of people in this world – those who love olives and those who don’t. I of course, love them and find that all the smartest and most interesting people I know do as well (I’m still trying to fathom how it’s possible to dislike olives but that’s a rant for another day). If, like me, you adore olives you’re going to love today’s blog post because I’ve found THE best olives in existence – ever! Chrisna’s Olives first came into my life a few years ago when I paid a visit to a little farm called Delvera in Stellenbosch, Cape Town – there, tucked away in a converted old farm pigsty, Chrisna and her team of fairies (ok fine, they’re real people but they may as well be fairies) create the most delicious and delectable olives you will ever put in your mouth.
Entering that little workshop for the first time I behaved a little bit like a kid given free rein in a toy store – I sampled everything I could possible get my hands on and would’ve bought all their stock if I wasn’t still a student living courtesy of a parental grant. My love affair with Chrisna’s continued for many years after that but was cut short when I packed up my things and moved to Joburg (cue the violins).
At first it was hard to move on, and the store bought olives I was now forced to buy just weren’t cutting it. But then, one Saturday morning I paid a visit to the Neighbourgoods Market in Braamfontein, and there, tucked away at the back of the market was Chrisna’s! I couldn’t believe my eyes – Chrisna’s Olives had moved all the way to Joburg just to be with me! I immediately ran over to the table and rambled on and on to the lady behind the stall about how much I loved the brand and how bleak I was when we were separated (I could tell by her silence and the look of shock on her face that she really related to my story). So, now that you know how we met it’s time I told you just why I love Chrisna’s so damn much.
The small hands-on company produces top quality olives, oils, vinegars and pastes that are out-of-this-world delicious. Their olives are hand-picked and cured for 10 months before they are processed and made into the tasty morsels you find on the shelves and at food markets. Chrisna’s produces 9 different blends of olives and flavours (mainly using herbs from their own garden) including Garlic and Herb Olives, Spanish Green Olives, Smoked Olives, Chilli Kalamatas, Mediterranean Olives, Roasted Olives, Sun Dried Black Olives and Salt Dried Black Olives. They also make divine pastes and pestos like Black Olive Tapenade, Smoked Olive Paste, Green Olive Pesto, and Mediterranean Olive Pesto. The Mediterranean olives and Mediterranean pesto are by far my favourite – the olive mixture is made up of a recipe of sundried tomatoes, feta and a whole bunch of other delicious herbs and spices and it’s the perfect thing to toss into a summer salad (just add lettuce).
I’m also delighted to tell you that these tubs of deliciousness can now be found at a number of places in Joburg including the Neighbourgoods Market, Melissa’s in Parkhurst and Thrupps! I do love a happy ending!